Group therapy, as with individual, is intended to help people who would like to improve their ability to cope with difficulties and problems in their lives. Its real value comes from the interpersonal nature of the experience that often mirrors experiences encountered in the outside world, the difference being, the presence of an experienced therapist to intervene, interpret, offer insight and guidance. The therapist uses the emotional interactions of the group members to help them get relief from distress and modify their behaviour where appropriate.
It does not mean that all group members have the same presenting difficulties. In reality clinical experience informs us that there is much overlap between individuals and copious opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences, viewpoints and tools. It is also helpful to listen to and interact with people who do not entirely share our world view but have had similar difficulties.
Therapy groups can be between six to twelve weeks, dependant on requirements and a small number of 6-8.
How can I join? Before being accepted to the group, I will book you in for an assessment session, which lasts approximately one hour and charged at my normal rate. This will help to understand if the group will be right for you.
Group Supervision:
Having a collaborative group of individuals come together to share ideas, concerns, mistakes, , success' and other experiences can enhance the effectiveness of the individual, the group and the influence on others.
Therapeutic supervision is not only for therapists or well-being practitioners but general workplace management can also benefit from learning and feeling supported by others.
Group supervision can result in faster, more effective problem solving by drawing on the expertise of a group of people. It allows for learning from the diverse backgrounds, modalities and experiences of different therapeutic practitioners, workplace management groups, who may provide different perspectives on situations.
Group supervision presents an opportunity to address the concerns and issues of individuals, also an opportunity to develop teams.
Sharing in group settings:
* Can give supervisees an increased sense of support by realising others have similar concerns.
* Allow supervisees to find new and better ways of dealing with their own situations by listening to others.
* Can allow supervisees to explore different ideas about how they will solve problems by a range of feedback from others about issues or concerns.
* Provides a safe environment where individuals discuss their limitations and problems without criticism.
Longer term benefits:
* Increased job satisfaction.
* Improved team communication.
* Lower stress levels and better ability to cope in challenging circumstances.
* Reduced self doubt about ability to act in practice.
* Increased self awareness and sense of professional identity, leading to reduced anxiety.
* More positive relationships with people in and out of the workplace.
As supervisor: I hold all the usual clinical and supervision responsibilities, will provide space for each supervisee and agree arrangements with each member etc.
Group set up: dependant on requirements, groups can be open to new members joining when needed or closed if needed by the group.